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International Trade Law: What Do Lawyers Study To Enter This Field?

by Roland Porter

There are around two hundred countries in this world. That is a lot of different governments and governing bodies. Every nation has its own laws regarding everything from crossing a street to international trade. In fact, it is international trade that makes the world go round, and most countries want to get involved in business with other countries. Before things ever get that far, companies have to hire international trade attorneys. Considering, yet again, that there are nearly two hundred countries, you are probably wondering just what it is that these lawyers study in order to become international trade attorneys. The answer may shock and amaze you. 

International Trade Agreements

Every country either has or does not have a trade agreement with the U.S. It is up to a trade attorney to know exactly which countries do and do not have these agreements. It is also important for the attorney to know exactly which of these countries also have trade agreements with each other. That alone is an astounding amount of information without having to delve into which countries are currently banned from conducting business with the U.S. or with any of the U.S.'s allies that might have separate agreements not to do business with certain countries.

Imports and Exports of Every Country

Every country imports and exports certain goods. What an African nation has in abundance of precious stones, it exports. What it lacks in medicines, it imports. That is just one nation out of many nations, and only two types of goods for one nation. Most nations import and export many goods, and the trade lawyers have to know what goes where and why. Companies that hire these particular lawyers are often seeking new markets for the goods they make, and the lawyers are expected to know exactly which countries are good candidates for importing the goods that the lawyers' clients want to export. 

Legal and Illegal Practices in Business in Foreign Countries

What may be a perfectly legal business practice in the U.S. is an illegal practice in some other nations. Conversely, the opposite is also true. International trade lawyers are expected to know every in and out of every legal and illegal business practice of almost every country. If they do not know, they are required to look it up and return with an answer for their clients.

For more information, contact an international trade attorney near you.
